Thelus Military Cemetery, Thelus, Pas de Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region, France


Latitude: 50.36176640835679, Longitude: 2.785162925720215 | Click to get directions to Thelus Military Cemetery
Thelus Military Cemetery

Thelus Military Cemetery is in the open country, 1.5 kilometres north-west of the village.

The village, which stands on the Vimy Ridge, was captured by the Canadian Corps on the 9th April, 1917, and it remained in British hands until the end of the War. The oldest part of Thelus Military Cemetery is a large grave, originally called CB8* and now forming Plot II, which was made after the capture of the Ridge; the remaining Plots were made by fighting units from June, 1917 to September, 1918, except for Plot IV and part of Plot V, which were brought in from the battlefields of Vimy and Thelus after the Armistice.


 Thumb Description Status Location Name (Died/Buried)
Hector N. MacLean gravestone
Hector N. MacLean gravestone
Located  grave reference I. B. 7.
1. Latitude: 50.36176640835679, Longitude: 2.785162925720215